Wednesday, October 3, 2012

On Elections

I've been reading more and more articles attempting to compare and contrast Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, and they all attempt to lead the reader to the conclusion that there are these huge differences between these two men that will shape the outcome of the election.

And of course, that's nonsense. The thing is that the differences between the two aren't polar opposites or diametrically opposed, but that they are merely degrees of separation on the same end of the scale. They are both for more government, less civil rights, more gun control, against gay rights, pro-war etc. etc.

I know, I know. Some folks will point at Barack Obama's statements as proof that he is none of those things, but I prefer to look at actions, and for both men the results are clear; in my opinion neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney are fit to lead this country.

So, I'm going to vote for Gary Johnson, who doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. Why?

C'mon. You knew this had to happen.

Look; Barack Obama has a proven track record of trampling on our civil liberties. He's approved indefinite detention of American Citizens without trial and approved an extrajudicial process of executing them via military action. He's committed US troops to war in Libya without congressional approval. He's spent way to much money and has done Zero to remedy the hyper partisan and bipolar atmosphere in D.C. The first reason alone is enough that I can't morally justify voting for the guy, the rest is just extra licks on the tootsie roll pop.. except in this case I don't want to know what's at the center of Barack Obama's goals for the U.S., nor do I want him to have the time to get there.

Meanwhile, Mitt Romney is a snake in the grass, who can't be bothered to take a firm stance on anything, while flaunting his wealth. I think his goals would support larger corporations and the wealthy elite while not doing Jack for anyone else. And I'm not so gullible as to think that what's good for large businesses is ultimately good for me. I can also guarantee that US troops commanded by Mitt Romney would be drawn into more foreign action, and perhaps war. I could just see us marching into Tehran or Pyongyang. So, Mitt's out too.

I've looked through Gary Johnson's stances; while I don't agree with him on everything, I do agree with the vast majority. I also know for a fact that he stands about as much of a chance of winning the election as a kitten fighting a pitbull.. Perhaps even less so. I'm also aware that the presence of a third party candidate siphons votes away from the major party candidates. And I say, so be it. If I voted for either of those jackanapes, I think I'd wake up in a cold sweat three years from now, looking at the sorry state of national politics and our country's economy, knowing that I helped put the one responsible for it in office. No way.

Gary Johnson, on the other hand, wants to actually fix the things that are wrong with this country; Repealing the Patriot act, restoring civil rights and liberties, removing ourselves from foreign countries that don't want us there, and basically getting the government out of people's personal lives. I'm all for all of that.

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