Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Some Random Observations

-After looking at several universities, visiting each, talking with people, weighing other factors, talking with my better half, and tossing in my own opinions, I'm exercising my option to attend a University in Georgia starting this Fall for my PhD. This decision, of course, has allowed us to narrow the field of potential variability in our short-term planning horizon quite a bit. There's still plenty of wiggle room, but knowing the state, general area, and goals has helped a lot.

-Georgia's Weapon's Carry Laws are similar to NC's, but different all the same. You need a license to carry in Georgia (open or concealed), but that license covers just about everything; it allows for open and concealed carry of firearms, it allows for open and concealed carry of knives above five inches, and it allows the owner to bypass NICS checks (a nicety). The Georgia carry license also allows the owner to keep a firearm in a locked vehicle in a parking lot of a campus...

-Looks like Marlin started making the 336-Y "Spikehorn" again, which is awesome! I finally got to handle one today at the local Gander Mountain, and it was a pretty nice rifle. Considering that it's effective accurate range of the 16" barrel is only about 175 to 200 yards, I'm not terribly concerned with the loss of ballistic efficacy inherent in the 30-30W round. Of course, a nice .308 would be great, but at that light of a weapon I think it would jump around like a pissed off bass out of water.

-First mowing of the season tomorrow. Looking forward to getting it done, actually. Having a freshly mowed lawn makes the day more enjoyable, and it's good meditation time to boot.

-There's no such thing as a stupid question, but whether or not the question makes the initiating party appear stupid to the casual observer is a different story altogether. Like everything else, it depends on context. For example, an 8 year old asking if the princesses seen at Disney are real? That's not stupid, that's pretty damned rational for a child. Now, an adult asking if the princesses are real is a different thing.

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