Sunday, January 20, 2013


Spent today doing odd jobs at my future in law's place, which mostly involved being dirty and climbing up onto high, dangerous places. The pitch of their roof approaches 40 degrees in some spots, making it hard to keep my footing. So, I did the butt scoot maneuver that I normally reserve for mountains with similar gradients. Looked silly, I suppose, but I didn't fall off the roof. Guess that means I win!

My better half was there the entire time, though we mostly worked on separate projects until the last few hours. We generally work well together, at least until one of us gets hungry, then its just a cranky fest.

Anyhoo. Glad to get some work done and make some money, though I'd be happier with a full time job. Regular paychecks have a way of making life easier, you know?

In the meantime, it's nice to have a little down time and to get some things done that have been on my list for a while. Next project, now that it's stopped raining buckets around here is to finish cleaning up the glorified woods in the back yard. Considering that it's after midnight, that's probably a job for tomorrow.

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