My better half and I are conducting a series of yard sales, both to raise funds and to reduce the volume of objects that we'd have to move to Georgia this fall. So far it's going pretty well, aside from the house being a complete wreck and initial crankiness because neither of us is used to 4:30 am wake ups.
Yard sale customers are an interesting mix, makes for good people watching. Folks range across the political spectrum and in apparent income. Plenty of folk drop by that either speak limited English, or rely on their children to translate for them. I've seen people dressed up like they're heading to a social event, and folks who look pretty far removed from their Sunday finest. The one thing that they seem to have in common is an eye to buy some used stuff, which we have plenty of.
Been mighty pleased with the results of the initial yard sale, despite heat, annoyances and the odd biting bug. If we do half as well today as we did yesterday, I'd be tickled silly.
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