Wednesday, December 4, 2013
That Lurching Feeling
Me, I'm not Sherlock Holmes. I like to think I'm observant enough to get by, though. Popped the hood on that truck, and couldn't spot anything wrong; No dangling wires, belt was in good shape, no corrosion on the battery, no obvious leak points on the head or exhaust manifolds, fluids at good levels. Turning the key gets a *click click click*.
Near as I can figure, the truck has spark, has compression, has no issue with the battery or the alternator. After having attempted the near sisyphean task of shoving the lame beast uphill (Got about three quarters of the way up hill before Random Old Guy gave a helpful shove with his car bumper), we know that the engine isn't knackered because we got it to roll start. So, it's either a computer issue, or the starter motor is going pear-shaped. I say going because apparently it works when it feels like it.
Side note: Pushing around a truck on level ground isn't that bad. Pushing a truck down a hill feels like you are deliberately trying to screw up your vehicle, except you know someone you trust is inside to stomp the brakes if things get hairy. Pushing a truck uphill has a suck factor of say, 4. I've done things that I hated more, but it's noteworthy. But there's no-way you can physically push-start a truck with one guy without having a nice hill to give a gravitational assist. We ended up using my car to shove the thing around until it finally lurched to life during the roll start. I saw the thing jump some as my better half dumped the clutch and I mentally subtracted a 500 miles from the expected lifespan of the transmission box. Not something I'd recommend relying on permanently.
Figure we can't trust the truck if it's being so willful, so right now it's grounded at the top of the steepest portion of the driveway just in case we have to nudge it back to life again.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Squirrel Aggression
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Back to Basic (computing)
Talk about first world problems. I'd really like to find a use for the thing. I might just be able to use it at UGA, provided I can get the browser updated (not an issue) and get some basic capabilities put on it (like reading .pdf's, also not an issue). It's not really much of a jump from .docs to typing things up in Google Drive anyway, and it gives me some measure of being able to roam about campus as I need to, without worrying about my nicer laptop getting high-graded.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Atta Boy, Utah
Never understood of public lands being closed to the public anyway. Let me just sign a waiver that says that if I die it's my own damn fault for being stupid and let me go in. That way no one gets sued. If folks have got the money to go, and the land is still physically there, I don't see what the problem is.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
A German Nigerian Prince Wants to Publish Your Thesis!
Critical thinking and common sense are not currently in vogue with the masses, and that's doubly true for the students that have graduated in the last couple of decades. Triple true for any politician, since creating unique problems to provide solutions for is more profitable than solving existing problems. So, it makes sense that these sorts of scams have popped up over the years, especially since emailing because cuts their advertising budget down to practically nil as long as they have a decent front*.
Here's the thing though; grad students are supposed to be well versed in critical thinking. It's one of the requirements of putting out innovative material; you've looked at all these papers and looked at your data and synthesized it into something new. I guess I'm just a little sad that there's overwhelming evidence, in the form of scams, to tell me that these same grad students are shutting off their critical thinking skills when they aren't looking at papers.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Politics; The Ultimate Peril of Academic Ambition
Monday, September 9, 2013
One is an Anomaly. Two is a Coincidence. Three is.. Probably Not a Trend.
When water scientists are talking shortage forecast, without raising alarm bells, they are typically looking at a multi-decadal planning horizon that takes net population increase trend lines (and therefore water consumption trend lines right along with trend lines for increasing efficiency) into account. Gotta make the argument here (which is probably why I'm not an Urban Geographer); if no new resources can be brought online, and increasing efficiency standards can't meet demand, why would city planners keep trying to bring in more population to increase the city's tax base? Money can buy water, it's just that to engineer your way to a solution could take more than most people are willing to shell out for.
And while you can raise the price of gas and milk and most people won't tear their hair out, I know for a fact that politics gets real ugly, real quick, when managers start seriously considering jacking up the price of water to pay for public waterworks to increase supply. Some congress-critter with a smarmy smile and greased back hair will claim his respectable opponent wants to force little old ladies on short budgets to die of dehydration in order to line the pockets of his friendly neighborhood construction company.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Georgia... Sweet, Georgia
Moving kind of sucks. Everything has to be packed just so, everything has to get moved, then unpacked. Meanwhile, there's yards to mow, things to fix, and, oh yeah, school work to be done too. Driving back and forth across a couple of states every weekend is starting to be kind of a drag too.
Then again, at least I'm down here in GA, actually working on getting a PhD instead of thinking/wanting to work on it. The difference between motion and action, then.
Still, I'll be glad when this moving business is over with.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Stupid Name, Cool Service
Shloosl is still a pretty damned stupid name, though, no matter how you slice it.
Doesn't Seem Like a Credible Expert, Does He?
You know, I kind of figured that this would happen.
People are really ignorant about what the appropriate, narrowly defined corridors are for using a firearm for self defense. This leads to all kinds of wild and silly assumptions about what is and is not legal, and what gun owners can get away with. Let this be a lesson to folk of all stripe; you can't just blast some rounds in the air and expect everything to be copasetic.
At the very minimum, don't take self defense advice from someone who makes their hay by lying for a living.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Yard Sales!
My better half and I are conducting a series of yard sales, both to raise funds and to reduce the volume of objects that we'd have to move to Georgia this fall. So far it's going pretty well, aside from the house being a complete wreck and initial crankiness because neither of us is used to 4:30 am wake ups.
Yard sale customers are an interesting mix, makes for good people watching. Folks range across the political spectrum and in apparent income. Plenty of folk drop by that either speak limited English, or rely on their children to translate for them. I've seen people dressed up like they're heading to a social event, and folks who look pretty far removed from their Sunday finest. The one thing that they seem to have in common is an eye to buy some used stuff, which we have plenty of.
Been mighty pleased with the results of the initial yard sale, despite heat, annoyances and the odd biting bug. If we do half as well today as we did yesterday, I'd be tickled silly.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Pretty Good, but...
I liked this video, it was pretty informative. My only issue is that they left out the estimate five to six earths oceans of water being stored as deep water within rocks in the earth's mantle. (Deep water gives the rocks the pliability needed to allow subduction, and volcanic eruptions are mostly super-heated water coming back up to the earth's surface as steam).
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Pro-Tips; What to do/Not to Do at Disney
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Book Review; Have Space Suit, Will Travel
Guess I should brush up on my Latin.
Given that this book is many decades old now, it was as expected rather devoid of grammatical, spelling, or other editorial errors that can make reading books more of a chore than a pleasure. R.H. did rely on some technological deus ex machina in order to advance the plot on several occasions, but I'll allow it because he does make some attempt to explain geometrically how a ship could travel across the universe breaking lightspeed laws by traveling linearly in a noneuclidean fashion (has to do with the curvature of the universe and space-time, as well as extra-dimensional travel). Plot devices with an attempt at explanation trump plot devices with no apparent explanation every time.
I'd rate this book on my standardized bell curve about a 57 or so. It was better than the average book, but not enough to put in the realm of some of my more favorite R.H. novels, like Starship Troopers or The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Emptying my Pockets
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
My Top 10 Survival Tools
Again, your mileage may vary.
1.) Firestarter (any, and two different types)
2.) A belt knife, full or quarter tang. Rambo knives need not apply. Look for at least a five inch blade, and good retention on the hilt. Make sure you toss a sharpening stone into your kit.
3.) A multi-tool. Make sure it has a saw, scissors, and pliers. A leather awl is a bonus.
4.) A sportsman's emergency blanket. Two of them. One for shelter, the other as a blanket.
5.) 100 feet of true paracord. Shelter building, trapping, nets etc.
6.) A container for boiling water. Quart sized or better. I like the liter sized stainless steel bottles.
7.) A decently stocked first aid kit. Leave room for basic medications.
8.) Several large bandanas. For treating wounds, cooling off, and protecting your head from the sun.
9.) A food gathering kit, including snare wire and fishing gear. Just line, hooks, sinkers, floats, and a few lures.
10.) Gloves. A good pair of impact or cut resistant gloves are more than worth their weight. Hard to do anything without the use of your hands.
My Top 10 Survival Capabilities
Some things to bear in mind; I'm not a survival expert or some sort of guru. I'm not a military trained badass of any kind. I haven't spent extensive time in varied climates. However, these are my opinions and thus far in the relative wilds of North Carolina they have served me well. This list is subject revision as I gain experience, but I believe that it covers the basics pretty well.
1.) The will to live
2.) The ability to think clearly under stress
3.) The ability to create fire using modern and primitive techniques
4.) The ability to create an edged implement
5.) The ability to create a brush shelter out of found materials
6.) The ability to filter & purify water using a variety of methods
7.) The ability to create cordage and tie a variety of knots (rope craft)
8.) The ability to create and set simple snares and traps, and fish
9.) The ability to provide emergency first aid and preventative care
10.) The ability to signal for rescue using both modern and primitive techniques
This list is in a loose order of priority, but priorities have a way of changing based on actual field conditions. If you can signal for rescue, and expect it relatively quickly then you should do so. Active bleeding should be stopped prior to doing anything etc. Just use this list as a guideline and think for yourself.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Thoughts on Survival
Studying the craft of survival is to be well versed in understanding paired dualities. Getting your food for the day seems like it shouldn't be too hard, but it is. Getting fresh, clean water seems like it should be hard, but relatively it isn't. There is fantastic complexity involved with simply starting a fire, or understanding the physics behind thermodynamics while building a shelter, which to the common observer seems like just throwing some sticks together. What my reading and practicing has taught me is that there is no activity, no matter how simple, that cannot be improved upon with increased knowledge. Survival therefore becomes a metaphor for life, where the proper application of power (knowledge) is the most common and probable solution to any problem. Thinking of force and power as abstract derivatives of mental prowess/preparedness turns the tripe "violence never solves anything" completely on its ear.
Studying survival also begs for the student to approach problems with the simplest solution available, and increase complexity over time for greater day to day efficiency. Simpler, lighter survival kits are more likely to be successful partly because they are more likely to be carried, but also because the likely user has substituted materials for knowledge. Yet, the average person off the street cannot simply walk into the woods with nothing but a knife and expect to live much past 72 hours. Again, paired dualities.
Survival is something that technically anyone should be able to achieve, but only a minority of the population exposed to extreme conditions does. What allows them to succeed where others fail results from a mixture of psychology, luck, and available resources. I'd argue that it's possible to survive with just the survivors mindset, but instant death scenarios are difficult to refute. Regardless, having mastery over your own mind and possessing the ability to think clearly under trying circumstances are the ultimate survival tools. Having additional physical tools or resources should, in theory, just make things easier. However, the beginning survivor would, given the choice between spending $200 either on equipment or on training had best opt for the training.
At some point in the near future I'll put up my short list of essential survival equipment; cheap and cheerful yet tough and multipurpose.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
EDC Bags
I've always been a firm believer in being prepared for the slings and arrows of modern life, which can range from minor inconveniences like waiting in an office to (albeit extremely rarely) full blown emergencies. To that end I try to carry things on my person that I'll find useful the vast majority of the time, and a set of additional gear in an EDC bag.
However, in the environment I currently labor under, carrying a bag around without raising suspicions as to the bag's contents is exceedingly difficult. Also, a grown man my age can't wear a fanny pack without advertising to all in the know that he's carrying something significant. Add into the mix thanks most small backpacks and over the shoulder bags are "tactical", so they are kind of a giveaway too.
Comparatively speaking, it's easier to carry EDC gear around if you work at a place where messenger bags are relatively common, or at a university where such bags and backpacks are likewise common. Not so much at my current job, where my bag might get rarely searched to help prevent employee theft.
I'm at the point where I need to reconsider how and what to carry, based on my experience over the past year, and taking into account the types of conditions I'm most likely to encounter in the span between home and work, as the distance between the two being used as a radius initiated from my house would describe my range of movement on a daily basis 99% of the time. I'll type up what I come up with later, but I should be approaching a result by the weekend.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Book Review; Let the Great Axe Fall
The basic premise for accepting the death penalty as necessary in some cases is pretty straight forward; any rational person should be able to agree that there are certain people with monstrous behaviors that deserve to die. Hitler, Bin Laden, Hussein, Pol Pot, Manson, McVey.. on and on, there's a list of notorious criminals both in and out of war who committed heinous crimes without any feelings of remorse.
I won't get too far into explaining the essay, because I can't really summarize it further without writing a long form essay myself. Suffice to say that I think that Mr. Blecker has submitted to his readers a convincing essay and series of arguments for the death penalty. However, in the interest of full disclosure I myself didn't have a problem with the death penalty in the first place, so he was kind of preaching to the choir with me.
As far as other basic points on my standard review goes; the essay was written and edited well, with little to no grammatical and/or spelling mistakes. The subject matter can be interesting, but I wouldn't exactly call the essay a "page-turner". It's more of the kind of essay where you have to read a few pages, and then put it down and think about it. Repeat until you reach the end. This made the essay a rather slow read for me, rather than the quick read that it's 40 some odd pages would suggest. I needed time to digest what I had read, and compare it against my own moral compass.
On my corrected bell curve scoring system, with a 50 being perfectly average in all regards in terms of editing, effectiveness, readability etc.. This long essay by Robert Blecker was about a 55. I don't think it's destined for the "classic" reading level for the type of reader that I represent. Certainly the essay has much more meat to someone who studies the law in a professional capacity. However, it was still a thought-provoking read that I was satisfied with at the end.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Book Review; After London Or, Wild England
A lot of people tend to think that post apocalyptic novels are a by product of the cold war between the United States and the now defunct USSR. A sort of cultural outlet for growing fears of impending nuclear warfare that promised worldwide devastation. Richard Jeffries book, After London Or, Wild England, is a refutation of that premise, being that it was written in the very late 1800's.
Well, Mary Shelley was writing post apocalyptic fiction before that, but that fact is neither here nor there. Although this book is relatively modern in comparison, the word choice in this book is kind of ye Olde style, so expect to crack out the dictionary occasionally.
Richard Jeffries was by training and inclination a Nature writer, and the forward for the book, which describes the local environment and geography in detail is indicative of that. He's short on ability to effectively describe dialogue, so he made up for that short coming by simply leaving out the vast majority of dialogue that one would expect. To that end, there is little to no character development for the main character, Felix, and no development at all for the secondary or minor characters. Don't expect a coming of age story with this novel.
It is, however, a pretty decent adventure yarn. One man sets off to explore the world around him and earn his fortune through wit and skill. What's not to like about that? Set aside arguments for better development, ignore the antiquated terminology and shoddy characterization, and I end up with a book that I liked more than I should have. Synergy isn't dead, I guess, but I will still knock the book down a peg for not treating human physiology more realistically. The main character should have died a dozen different times from hypothermia or dehydration but marvelously, inexplicably didn't. That's just plain bad writing.
On my corrected bell curve, this book is a 40. It's still a good book that is an acceptable read, being that I didn't waste my time when I read it. Still, I can't help but think of what the book could have been.
*Radio Static*
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Observations on Working Poverty; Janitor
That being said; in some ways I actually liked working at the truck stop. Management had a way of not bothering me too much (Either I was doing such a good job that they stayed off my back, or I wasn't important enough to mess with. Your choice.), so I had a lot of independence and a pretty wide degree of latitude to roam about the store and associated grounds how I saw fit. I basically got paid to do whatever I wanted (as long as my work was done by shift's end), how I wanted, and with little to no oversight. Cold outside? Stay in where it's warm and get stuff done inside. Blasting hot outside? Stock the cooler and enjoy that 40 degree temperature. Too crowded in the store to get anything done? Go pick up trash outside until the crowd dies down. We even had pay showers, so I could use the restroom with a certain measure of peace and privacy. Kinda like having my own office bathroom, in a way.
As far as crappy jobs go, you can't really beat that sort of deal. The work wasn't really meaningful in that position, but at least I wasn't being harangued by a some feckless idiot who would only make things worse by getting in the way. And, to be blunt, if (and this is a might damned big if) someone was willing to pay me to keep doing the same job, under the same operating conditions, indefinitely, on a reliable schedule, for $75k a year, I'd do it. The work was easy, low stress, and not all that taxing physically, emotionally, or psychologically. Well, sometimes someone would get rather anal expulsive all over the stall walls, but that's a hazard accepted concurrent with the position.
I got pretty good at doing a quick clean-up under a pretty wide variety of conditions. Being outside in all kinds of weather became much less of an issue as I acclimated, and I got some more experience learning how to fix things I'd never looked at the guts of before. That's not a bad set of skills to acquire.
Here's the thing, though; my job experience was abnormal. It is not the natural state of crappy jobs to allow underlings to roam around free and unfettered. It was bound to end, the ultimate fate of micromanaging induced entropy was inevitable. That's why my memories are fond.. I quit that position for another before it got to that point. Recon intel from the same store tells me that more requirements, more work, more duties, and overbearing managing became the "new normal" within six months of my departure.
Takeaway; I quite enjoyed working as a truck stop janitor, but ultimately the pay was simply too low to stay there long term. I'm glad I got out when I did.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Observations on Working Poverty: Unloading Trucks
Even with fans, unloading a truck is hot, sweaty, poorly lit work. It's exhausting, and handling so much cardboard without wearing gloves will quickly chew up soft hands. So, keep on wearing gloves and try to stay hydrated. Wear shorts, even in winter, but wear good boots to protect fragile toes from falling merchandise.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Book Review; The Art of the Rifle
Full disclosure; this is not the first time I've read "The Art of the Rifle", and it probably won't be the last; it's a pretty short book that is low on story or verse, but long on practical skills and guidance. Think of it as kind of a "How-To" manual for the self-taught rifleman, who due to circumstance can't get out to a proper shooting school to get a finishing education.
The proper audience for this book are those who wish to know how to use a rifle, and want to learn firing positions and undertake drills that will make them more apt to impact their chosen target at distance under field conditions with their first shot. Those who cannot understand the utilitarian, societal, or environmental benefits of hunting best steer clear, same for those who cannot fathom the use of force in human conflict. Lt. Col. Cooper doesn't dwell at all on gore or violence per se, but still this is not a book for the soft-hearted.
Taking the book as it is, it's about a 63 to 65 on my corrected statistical bell curve of literary enjoyment, if 50 was perfectly average in all respects. This is a well written book with lots of useful info and advice, but it's short, could use more and clearer diagrams, and is sometimes a little dry. Still, it's a great book from a excellent source who was and still is a clear expert in his field.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Fox Crackdown on Jane Cobb Knit Caps
No use in mincing words; it still sucks to trample on your fan-base/customer-base, and generally it's not good business sense. Not that Fox has ever really been concerned with expanding upon or advertising Firefly , but that's neither here nor there.
Still, there's a couple of positive resultants here. First, fans are pissed and are probably going to keep making the hats and selling them underground anyway. Second would be this;
“@pirateknits:Captain, looking to unload illegal hats.…”You got a job? We'll do it. Don't much care what it is.
— Nathan Fillion (@NathanFillion) April 11, 2013
Note that in this case, Nathan Fillion chose to retweet this from one of his fans, and the "You got a job?" quote is from him and not the original poster. It's tacit approval of their activity and the boldness in which they are going about it. In this day and age, it does the cochleae of my heart good to see an established actor standing with his fan-base, rather than with profit, and sticking with the spirit of the character that his fans came to love. Good show!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Some Random Observations
-Georgia's Weapon's Carry Laws are similar to NC's, but different all the same. You need a license to carry in Georgia (open or concealed), but that license covers just about everything; it allows for open and concealed carry of firearms, it allows for open and concealed carry of knives above five inches, and it allows the owner to bypass NICS checks (a nicety). The Georgia carry license also allows the owner to keep a firearm in a locked vehicle in a parking lot of a campus...
-Looks like Marlin started making the 336-Y "Spikehorn" again, which is awesome! I finally got to handle one today at the local Gander Mountain, and it was a pretty nice rifle. Considering that it's effective accurate range of the 16" barrel is only about 175 to 200 yards, I'm not terribly concerned with the loss of ballistic efficacy inherent in the 30-30W round. Of course, a nice .308 would be great, but at that light of a weapon I think it would jump around like a pissed off bass out of water.
-First mowing of the season tomorrow. Looking forward to getting it done, actually. Having a freshly mowed lawn makes the day more enjoyable, and it's good meditation time to boot.
-There's no such thing as a stupid question, but whether or not the question makes the initiating party appear stupid to the casual observer is a different story altogether. Like everything else, it depends on context. For example, an 8 year old asking if the princesses seen at Disney are real? That's not stupid, that's pretty damned rational for a child. Now, an adult asking if the princesses are real is a different thing.
Monday, April 1, 2013
A New Classification System to Correctly Identify the "Nerd" Sub-Species
1.) The individual in question must be either of above average intelligence or have grades superior to the population at any level of education (G.P.A. of 3.5 or above);
2.) The individual in question must consistently reject superstitions;
3.) The individual in question must not hesitate to pursue a scientific or mathematical approach to problem solving;
4.) the individual in question should always willingly accept additional data while formulating an opinion or deriving a solution to a problem;
5.) The individual in question must, when faced with overwhelming evidence, reject their previous understanding of that subject in favor of the understanding based on empirical data.
B. Peter is a Biologist
C. Peter believes dinosaurs and humans co-existed, contrary to overwhelming evidence.
D. Peter is a Nerd.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Learn From My Fail; Car Keys
It was stupid, really. I was driving on I-85, heading north from Spartanburg, and thinking about a math problem (I'm a nerd). I really wanted to stop and put gas in the car prior to leaving the state so that I could fill up on cheap gas (30 cents cheaper than in N.C.!), and so that I could scribble out the math problem on a note pad real quick and get the answer (It was a combination problem in which I needed to estimate the mileage driven in the Civic before the increased fuel efficiency zeroed out the repairs cost. I came up with the formula in my head but there were too many numbers flying around to get an accurate answer, although I did come up with a rough estimate of 10,500 miles mentally. The accurate answer was 11, 352 miles.) so that it would stop bothering me. I put my car keys in the passenger seat while I wrote down the actual numbers and solved the problem, and then jumped out of the car while locking the door to put gas in the car. It wasn't until after I had finished topping of the tank that I realized I had locked myself out (I wanted to get the mileage from my odometer to keep track of my fuel efficiency, 38.4 mpg on that particular tank, which included city driving in Athens).
The ironic thing is that I had mentioned to my better half that I really needed to stash a copy of the Civic key on my person, probably in my wallet, to better guard against doing just that. Irony is hard to laugh at, however, when you're locked out of your car a couple hundred miles from home, with no one friendly within a two hour drive radius to come and help you out.
Fortunately, I got hold of a local business called "Pop A Lock" (Stupid name, great service), that came out and for a token fee got me back in the Civic and on my way.
Mission Debrief: What Went Wrong, What Went Right, and Thoughts on Future Prevention
First and foremost, violation of my personal rules, #9, which is "Keep a Spare". I do this a lot, I have backup ways to start fires, to get water into my system, back up knives, back up magazines.. I even had backup motor oil in the trunk of the car. What I didn't have on me was a backup key for the car, which is inexcusable because, frankly, a single key is lightweight and easy to carry at a secondary position on your person. I have corrected this by putting the car key that was originally on my key ring (it was somewhat bent, but still serviceable) in my wallet, and putting the original Civic key on my key ring. I do sometimes leave my wallet in my car (about 1:100 car rides), but the odds of leaving both my keys and my wallet in the car are astronomical.
Second; I have an illogical conditioned reflex to lock the car while getting out of it. It's a simple procedure of lifting the handle to open the door, and while that handle is being actuated I can reach out with a few fingers and easily lock the door. However, this does not work in the favor or insuring that I have my keys on my person prior to closing the locked door. My proposal to eliminate this issue is to simply recondition my locking reflex into one where I lock the car after closing the car door using the key. If I cannot accomplish this, it would be because I have left my key inside the car. Once this reflex has been so ingrained that it is automatic, I will have added another layer of defense onto the statistical odds of being completely locked out of my car.
I am happy to report that possessing a smart phone has paid off once again, as it allowed me to search for local locksmith companies on the fly, once locked out of my car, so that I could get home in a timely manner. This prevented my better half from having to drive four hours from our home into South Carolina in order to bail me out with one of the spare keys for the Civic. It also gave me access to my kindle library to read during the relatively short duration between securing the services of a locksmith and their actual arrival time. I was also able to get a hold of my better half with the phone, and even though I ultimately did not need her to drive down to South Carolina, it was comforting to know that I at least had a solid, non-destructive plan B. ( I actually had about a dozen plans lined up on how to deal with the situation, but they get more undesirable as they increase in letter count away from Plan A).
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Book Review; There Are Other Rivers
The perils of shopping for books via Amazon are relatively few and easy to enumerate. First, unless you read the proffered sample, you don't get the same experience as you would in a bookstore. Second, it's far too easy to add books to a wish list without properly vetting them first. Third, which is really just an extension of the second, it's far to easy to just snap up cheap books.
I've fallen prey to all three perils, and Alistair Humphreys "There Are Other Rivers" is an example of the second one. This book loosely tells the story of the author's foot trek, following a river from the Indian Ocean up into the Himalaya mountains. It only tangentially deals with the people and experiences he has, however.
Book wishlists are, by definition, self selected. Look through my wishlist and you'll find a lot of survival fiction, woods lore, and travel journals of the epic adventure variety. When I put this book on my list, I thought that it was an example of the latter. It wasn't.
That's not to say that it wasn't a good read. I enjoyed reading the book, even though it was quite a bit shorter than I thought it would be. Rather, it was more like the "out of season bird alighting on my shoulder". An unexpected pleasure, momentarily pleasing, but not the sort of stuff that epics are woven from. Unless the bird talks, that is.
This book is more of a collection of diary entries than a travel journal. By which I mean that it doesn't have a real narrative, lumps of time are lost due to the nature of journal writing, and it focuses more on what the author thinks and feels rather than what he did. This isn't necessarily bad, but because of that second peril I had thought that I was getting into something else.
And, let me be frank, I'm not terribly interested in delving into another man's feelings without good reason. There were some high points and morals to derive, but mostly I found myself skipping ahead, which is never a good sign.
I'd give this book a 45 on my new corrected bell curve scale. It's within that time range of entertaining and enjoyable books that makes for good reading, but ultimately it was somewhat underwhelming.
Twitter; Shucks and Other Comments
Grr. I think the application (Disconnect) should be smarter than that, but I'm not a computer programmer (any more). I guess I shouldn't be too picky, since I've barely touched the code on this site other than a few tweaks and clean up operations here and there.
Anyway; Boo Hiss to the programmers for Disconnect; for not making a product that's smart enough to tell a tracking code from a useful javascript code. Then again, the application is FREE, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. The takeaway is that those NOT using a tracking blocker, and who have updated browsers, should be able to see my twitter feed now. This is a good thing, right?
Sunday, March 24, 2013
The Trudge
You know, about a month ago I was pretty much bored and looking for stuff to do to take up my time. Well, when it rains it pours, and now I've got something planned for every day for the next few weeks plus. No real time off either, just "go, go, go!".
I'm not complaining, really, but the truth is that I know I'm going to get tired eventually, and then the bout between my schedule and I will stop being a slugfest and become instead more of a test of my endurance. My ability to trudge on.
I've got work hours lined up on mid-shifts, appointments for a few wedding related things, a couple of trips out of the state on school business, a party to plan at the secret lair, papers to read, and at some point I'll need to look over the final draft of the manuscript for my own paper before it's sent to the publisher. Also! The lawn could use a pickup, put up, and a trim. Yikes, maybe I'd best stop typing and get to it.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Civic Minding; Errata
I will be putting the Civic up to it's first real road trip soon, in order to visit the universities that have offered me good award packages to pursue a PhD. I guess I'll get a taste for what the repairs and cleaning have done for the Civic then. In the meantime, it could use another cleaning; I missed a spot on the shifter column that has been triggering my faux-CD, and apparently there was some more tree sap down in the driver's side window slide that has gotten back onto the window that I need to clean off. Other than that; vaccuming never really hurts, right?
Other thoughts on the Civic;
- No clock on the dash means I've gotten used to wearing a wristwatch again, to avoid the fumbling of pulling out my phone to check the time. I'm not really looking forward to having a lily white patch on my arm whenever I take off my watch, but watches don't really help you tell time if you don't wear them.
- All other things being equal, the Civic is a pretty easy car to break into. There's nothing to be done for this, of course, but it does give me cause for concern in an Op-Sec point of view. I'm considering putting one of my smaller safes in the Civic and using a metal cord to lock it in place underneath the passenger seat. There's a ridge underneath the passenger seat that should prevent the safe from sliding forward under braking, and it would get things out of sight. The rest of my EDC bag and it's associated contents can go either behind the driver's seat for short time periods, or in the trunk for extended time periods. Not sure what else I can do.
- I burn my running lights constantly, because it's a rather small car, painted a dark color. That makes it hard to see; the only issue is that I run the risk of burning out my running lights. I need to pick of a replacement bulb for each and store them in the trunk to be armed against that. I'd rather avoid being pulled over by the Police for a fishing trip if I can.
- My better half hates driving the car, because it's too low to the ground. Not really much I can do about that.. OR IS THERE?
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Book Review: Rikki Tikki Tavi
Man, do I love me some Kipling. It's not a joke to say that I spend a pretty decent chunk of my younger life, book or verse of Kipling in hand, sword branch in the other, swinging my way through the wilds of rural North Carolina. Adventure, combat, philosophy, reason, ideals for manhood.. all to be found in Kipling's body of work.
To say that I have great respect for that work is to put it mildly.
Rikki Tikki Tavi is one of those "books" (It can be had as a separate book, but it's really a short story from one of the Jungle Book collections) that really stuck with me as a kid. It's about a young Mongoose that finds himself, after being cast from his home by a swollen river, embroiled in a small war for control over a compound in India where a family lives. The war, of course, is with snakes.
Great book. Short! But great, simply because it gets right down to the damned point without much knocking about. Does the Mongoose need a reason to fight a snake? No, because that's what Mongoose do; they fight and eat snakes. You do get the sense that the Mongoose (Rikki) knows what he is doing is gallant, but that kind of takes a back seat to his just wanting to rise to the challenge. A sentiment that I can appreciate.
It's about time to revisit my scale for reviewing books, because I think that they are getting skewed away from the low to medium side in favor of mid 70's reviews. This may be an artifact that my book selection has been edited to only books that I think I will enjoy, but that being said the average enjoyment really should be an even 50, not a 75. A 75 should be *really* enjoying a book, and a perfect 100 should mean that I enjoyed the book immensely, then turned around and read it again and found no flaws in it. Rikki Tikki Tavi really, then, falls right in the mid 60's because while I did really enjoy it, it could have been a bit longer. Oh, not much longer, perhaps a second chapter where the children of Nag and Nagina from a prior clutch of eggs come to exact revenge. Consequences and whatnot. Still, it's a great book, and one would do well to read it.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Getting Orientated
Today, at my first day on the new job, part of the orientation session was a scavenger hunt for a short list of things that are pretty common purchases. I think the whole thing was pretty clever... Get the new hires out, talking to their coworkers, finding the common stuff so they know where to send customers, and learning their way around the store. Slick!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Civic Minding Day 1
To be honest, I had done some work on it previously over the past few weeks, here and there, but that mainly involved getting it cleaned out and detailed (I like my cars to be clean). Today was the first day of actual honest to god repairs.
That being said, I didn't really do much today other than buy parts and figure out how to get things done and in the process of doing that, figure out exactly what tools I'll need to work on the harder tasks. Going to need a breaker bar and a floor jack, for sure, but also a good ratcheting socket wrench and a few socket heads couldn't hurt. However! My dad's extended me an open invitation to raid his tool shed for tools I might need on this project, so I'll check what he has first before making my purchases.
Today I changed the air filter and windshield wipers, polished the oxidation off of the headlights (I can see!), and figured out I'm woefully ill-equipped to remove the two bolts that hold the muffler in place. Ugh. Those are rusted in place, so that might be something a mechanic's shop gets to do for me. We'll see after I get better tools. The main problem is getting the leverage right, which I might get with several larger wrenches.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Book Review; As You Do
Still, my better half is snoozing and I feel like being mildly productive. That, and I'm patient enough to write this review entirely on my phone, so it's lazy streak over and away we go!
"As You Do", by Richard Hammond is one of those books that drew me in immediately, just from reading the description that would be included on the jacket (in this case, it would be the Amazon product description). I mean, come on! He writes about the race to the north pole, the trip across Africa in a tiny little car, and meeting Evel! How cool is that!? Hammond has a particularly conversational writing style, and since he's on Top Gear it's pretty easy to hear his voice while reading the book. Since this book is a behind the scenes sort of affair, that writing style is well served. I could see how that style could be grating in other literary formats, though.
I loved the humor in the book, I don't think I've laughed that much while reading since the last time I read Bill Bryson's "A Walk In The Woods". Completely different types of humor, mind, since Hammond derives his humor from interactions from others while Bryson's humor is more internally driven. Still, giggles while reading is a good thing, and I was happy to have a book that put me in a good mood after reading sessions.
No obvious grammatical or spelling errors that I could pick out, though the book has a way of jumping around in time that I didn't like. I also didn't really appreciate Hammond's negative attitudes towards hunting, and Americans. Then again, he's British, and those folks just seem like they are born to be arrogant and condescending.
All in all, it was a jolly good read that was quick to get through. Hammond is no Heinlein, not even close, but he holds his own. I'd give this book a 77 on my scale, which could have been several points higher if he'd kept some of his sillier opinions to himself.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
30 something.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Oh, Joe.
Of course, I believe most proponents of civilian disarmament have no earthly idea what they are actually talking about, because my .22 Walther meets the criteria to be an "Assault" weapon. (Detachable magazine, and a barrel shroud? EVIL.)
However, let's not deviate. There's something else that made me start typing, and it's this quote from the above article right here:
“Guess what? A shotgun will keep you a lot safer, a double-barreled shotgun, than the assault weapon in somebody’s hands [who] doesn’t know how to use it, even one who does know how to use it,” the outspoken vice president, a shotgun owner himself, replied. “It’s harder to use an assault weapon to hit something than it is a shotgun. You want to keep people away in an earthquake? Buy some shotgun shells.”The VP is betraying his true sentiments towards American Citizens in this statement, and the ultimate goals of civilian disarmament with this statement. He thinks that two rounds in a break-open double barrel is more than sufficient for us poor dumb schmucks who can't hit a humanoid target at close range with a rifle cartridge. Then again, Joe et al would probably be happier if civvies couldn't own weapons at all (see Australia's new push to ban single shot rifles). It seems that Joe also believes that we "civilians" are incapable of learning basic marksmanship, and that the folks with "Assault" weapons spend a lot of time wildly spraying rounds around, ineffectually.
Kind of like the police do, constantly, but that's an aside.
That's the thing; the only way for the them to win is to paint us (folk who carry for life and liberty) as irresponsible, ineffectual, and incapable of handling a firearm proficiently. The stats on the first two don't bear out.
The truth on the third front is far less convenient for the disarmament folks; people that buy guns typically know how to use them. Really well. I've seen the scores posted by the local PD at the range I used to frequent, and I know for an absolute fact that under slow and fast fire I score *well* above them at pistol ranges. And I'm not some gun wunderkind by any means; there are plenty of regular, non-uniformed folk out there who are better shots than I.
Folks; email your senator and tell them that you are firmly against any bill that limits the 2nd Amendment, and that your vote will reflect that at the next election. Most democrats aren't going to be swayed, but there are some Republicans out there that need to be kept in line.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Spent today doing odd jobs at my future in law's place, which mostly involved being dirty and climbing up onto high, dangerous places. The pitch of their roof approaches 40 degrees in some spots, making it hard to keep my footing. So, I did the butt scoot maneuver that I normally reserve for mountains with similar gradients. Looked silly, I suppose, but I didn't fall off the roof. Guess that means I win!
My better half was there the entire time, though we mostly worked on separate projects until the last few hours. We generally work well together, at least until one of us gets hungry, then its just a cranky fest.
Anyhoo. Glad to get some work done and make some money, though I'd be happier with a full time job. Regular paychecks have a way of making life easier, you know?
In the meantime, it's nice to have a little down time and to get some things done that have been on my list for a while. Next project, now that it's stopped raining buckets around here is to finish cleaning up the glorified woods in the back yard. Considering that it's after midnight, that's probably a job for tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
So, according to the weather folks portions of NC can expect an inch or three of just snow in the next few days, which would be fantastic! We could use a little dusting, make things look pretty for a bit. Got to remember to check the batteries in the flashlights and such, just in case.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Geez, Amazon, get it together.
I noticed the other day on my smartphone that the Kindle app is nowhere near as good as the normal Amazon app for shopping for new books. Well, due to an involuntary vow of poverty, I wasn't shopping per se, but I was looking for books to add to my wishlist.
Anyhoo. The Kindle app itself is actually pretty meager for shopping for new books; no ability to separate out large categories into smaller ones ("You just wanted Fiction, right? Who cares if you have to paw through ten pages of Romance novels to get to one or two Sci-Fi."), no ability to save books to a wishlist, no ability to view your wishlists...
I'm sorry, but for a dedicated app that's just plain rubbish.
If you look at the Amazon app though, all of those issues are gone. It works *much* better for shopping for ebooks than the native Kindle app. Hell, using the shopping feature on my damned Kindle 4 works better than shopping on the Kindle app.
Poor form, Amazon. Poor form.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Book Review; Lucifer's Hammer
Monday, January 7, 2013
Speaking of Hatchets... Kobalt Sucks!
Whilst working on clearing the land today, my hatchet decided it would be a good time to give up the ghost, by snapping off just below the head. Shucks and other comments were allowed, though I think the neighbor's dog might have taken offense. Luckily, it snapped immediately after embedding in some peach wood, so there wasn't a hatchet head flying around. That could have been slightly dangerous. This really and truly sucks, as I hate to break good tools. Then again, this was a Kobalt brand hatchet, so I wasn't really expecting much out of it.
Folks, with the lifetime warranty on Kobalt I'm kind of locked in here.. I could go spend more money on a hatchet (which I'll probably do eventually anyway), or I can just get the free replacement, and if I don't, I'm leaving money on the table. And since my Scottish ancestors would haunt me if I wasn't frugal, I'll go get the replacement. But dammit, I wish I had spent more money to begin with on a better hatchet!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Damnit, Facebook
The main issue here is that if I like or comment on something, it shows up on my wall, even if that post originated on someone else's wall. Everyone that is my "friend" on Facebook is automatically suscribed to see all comments and likes I make, because it'll show on my wall. It's pretty asinine. The kicker here is that this is not something that I have control over; the other person has to go through a somewhat complicated series of steps in order to remove that access themselves. I went and looked, and I can't find a universal "off" switch for that.
Well, there is an "off" switch, and it's called getting rid of my Facebook profile. I'm very seriously considering it too, since I don't exactly need the thing and anyone that wants to get a hold of me can call or email me. These points of information aren't exactly stored in a Top Secret dossier, you know?
With Hatchet and Saw
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Book Review: The Old Man and the Wasteland
That's why I was surprised that I liked The Old Man and the Wasteland, by Nick Cole as much as I did. I didn't have high hopes; I let that particular title season on my kindle for about a year before I decided to risk a couple hours of reading on it. I'm actually pretty glad that I did, and it's helped to give me some clarity about how to cherry pick good books on Amazon without touching the dice. (Pro tip: If it's got less than 10 reviews, let it season. If it's got more than that but only two stars, let it go. If it's got three stars or better, give the sample a shake. If you like the sample, spring for the cheap book.)
I'm pretty well versed in survival fiction, and I've read enough to know that the destruction of society can come on in Baskin Robbins style, with 31 flavors guaranteed! Fire, Ice, Meteors, Nukes, Floods, Pandemics, Loss of Technology, Invasion, Aliens, Economic Collapse, Active Rebellion.. I could go on for days. Cole decided to throw it down old school with ending the world with Nukes, which is a nice throwback to my earlier days of reading books that were written mostly in the seventies, during the height of the cold war, when kids were taught that desks could protect them from the A-Bomb.
I digress.
The Old Man and the Wasteland is written in the style of the Old Man and the Sea, which is fine in and of itself but I do wish that the title wasn't so on the nose. I like to be a little surprised by books, not bludgeoned with the obvious.
The book is basically about an old man going out for salvage after a long dry spell of coming back with nothing. He talks to himself, which is not a big deal for me since I do that too. He encounters environmental hardships and faces foes, and during all of this he displays some goddamn adaptability, survival knowledge, tactical thinking, and uses his head. All good traits for a heroic character. Damned good.
The writing was technically good, and the plot moved along with good action from multiple perspectives. I was actually quite pleased with the plot in and of itself, since it didn't take the course I quite expected it to (bonus points!). Okay, so some of the plot points were utter nonsense, but it was good fun anyway so I let it slide. Mostly because I was in an apocalyptic sort of mood. I thought the ending was a little.. much. Not horrible, but he was trying to make a point out of a five foot diameter oak tree, when a limb would have sufficed.
Given all of that, I've give The Old Man and the Wasteland perhaps a 76 out of 100, which is really good on my scale (if 50 is neutral, 1 is horrible, and 100 is astoundingly good). I do recommend this book.. if you're in a mood for