Sunday, July 29, 2012

Musings and the Perfect Snack

Nonnie's house has always been a sanctuary for me. Its a bit like going camping, in the absence of all of my things I am left with only what matters. A few days worth of clothes, hygiene items, a few books, my little netbook and my EDC items. It's not much, but I always find that the less I have the more I enjoy having them. I'm sure Thoreau would think I surround myself with the riches of kings, but Thoreau also dined at the table of wealthy friends.

My thoughts turn inwards when I'm here. Being in the guest bedroom where my brother formerly resided makes me miss him greatly, and at times I turn in the house and expect to see him there.. His absence creates a void that is almost tangible. However, emptying my backpack and assigning places for my sparse scattering of things has served to awaken and somewhat satisfy my desire to have my own small personal space. In this room, door closed, I can build my nest and enjoy a sense of calm. It's something that has been sorely lacking in my own home.

I'm beginning to think that I should talk to Rae about moving my office into the second room at the house, so that I can have this sense of calm there as well.
The recipe for the perfect snack is as follows: Walk barefoot into the garden and pick a small, ripe tomato. Carry it inside and wash it off while removing the stem. Fold a paper towel into a hand sized square and place the tomato on it. Draw your pocket knife, rinse it briskly and then slice the tomato into eighths. Salt and Pepper the slices and eat them carefully off the tip of your knife. Wash down with a cold glass of water. When you are finished, wipe your knife off on the paper towel, return your knife to its rightful place and rip the towel up into the compost bin.

Serves One. This snack is best if eaten by a window.

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