Monday, November 26, 2012

To Serve 10 Year Old Boys Police Brutality

Jesus, just when I thought that the 5.0 couldn't look any worse, some jerk in Santa Fe goes and pulls this crap. For those not keeping score by reading the news article, the offending cop is Officer Chris Webb, hereby dubbed Officer Jerk-Face by me for the remainder of this article.

I can think of folks that might need a good tasering now and then. Folk that actually, you know, break the law. Shoot one of those punks with a taser and let them be on the 50,000 volt roller coaster for 30 seconds, I'm okay with that. But you know what, Officer Jerk-Face? I'm sure that little boy learned a real lesson about police authori-tah.

I know cops hate this parody, which is why it's necessary. Don't want to see it? Weed out dumbasses like Officer Jerk-Face.

I'm still having difficulty wrapping my head around how police in general seem to think about under what circumstances is the deployment of force necessary. Little girls sleeping in a bedroom? Chuck in a flashbang. Little boy won't clean the cruiser? Taze'em. The annals of recent history are filled with honest, normal people who weren't doing anything at all and get clubbed by the bluntest instruments of the police force. There's no doubt in my mind that the vast number of cops are decent folk who are simply trying to enforce the laws given the system we live under.. Don't they have a vested interest in weeding out folk like Officer Jerk-Face and his ilk? Just so that the rest of the people/sheep out there trust the police more?

Don't get it twisted, though. I'm all about folk questioning authority and not trusting those in charge, so I'm not dissatisfied that this boy, as an adult, will absolutely not trust the police. Still, I could have managed a similar effect with a 10 minute slideshow; voltage high enough to stop hearts is not necessary to convince people.

Look, there's two options on how I see this playing out in my idealized world composed primarily of common sense and hard work; Officer Jerk-Face thought that the tazer wouldn't seriously injure the kid and discharged it to be "funny". In this case, Officer Jerk-Face should get canned because he's grossly incompetent and can't be trusted to hold a tazer, much less a standard issue side-arm (!). Option 2 is that Officer Jerk-Face is a sadist who gets his jollies by tazing ten year old boys, in which case he should get canned because you shouldn't employ sadists to protect people.  In either case, he should get canned.

Real World Version/Prediction: Officer Jerk-Face will get put on paid, administrative leave while there is an internal investigation. During this he'll get slapped on the wrist and scolded, and he'll re-enter the police force quietly in another city a year from now. Because that's how our system currently works.

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