Monday, January 7, 2013

Speaking of Hatchets... Kobalt Sucks!

Normally I wouldn't feel a need to review a Hatchet, but in this case, the hatchet kind of forced my hand.

$%#@^% Hatchet

Whilst working on clearing the land today, my hatchet decided it would be a good time to give up the ghost, by snapping off just below the head. Shucks and other comments were allowed, though I think the neighbor's dog might have taken offense. Luckily, it snapped immediately after embedding in some peach wood, so there wasn't a hatchet head flying around. That could have been slightly dangerous. This really and truly sucks, as I hate to break good tools. Then again, this was a Kobalt brand hatchet, so I wasn't really expecting much out of it.

Note the circular wedge and the thick blade profile.

Not sure if I can replace the handle, since they used this circular wedge that's a royal pain in the butt to take out. Even if I did remove it, the hatchet profile isn't exactly ideal. It should be taper to near edge thinness immediately after the handle slot, to make it better for chopping. Cheap metal too, it chips on the edge a lot, even on soft-woods. Probably 420. Hmmm.

Folks, with the lifetime warranty on Kobalt I'm kind of locked in here.. I could go spend more money on a hatchet (which I'll probably do eventually anyway), or I can just get the free replacement, and if I don't, I'm leaving money on the table. And since my Scottish ancestors would haunt me if I wasn't frugal, I'll go get the replacement. But dammit, I wish I had spent more money to begin with on a better hatchet!

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